Want to see pure anger? Do you like watching veins pop out of Jesse's head and neck? Driving in Hollywood is a nightmare, we all know, but with the lack of left hand turn lights and the plethora of people on cell phones, driving is a mess. Jesse with out patience driving an extra extra large SUV is a perfect mix for this. Some times you have to just sit back and enjoy his extreme big gulp sized disapprobation. Jesse freaks out and his blood pressure pushes critical mass at least 2 times every half mile.
Another note: telling him you have to pee real bad and asking him to pull over alot is nice touch.
So if you get a chance to ride with him when you are in town please enjoy it like i do but please do not laugh when he backs into anything or runs out of gas. (see august 16th ran out of gas and had to walk 2 blocks, still mad about it)